Limited time offer – until June 1st →
Limited time offer ending in:

The Ultimate Sleep Product Bundle
This bundle is a DIY approach to our private coaching program and includes a multitude of products to help you reach your ultimate sleep goals!
Phone Consults, Masterclasses, and Downloads, OH MY!
Whether your little one has hit a regression, fights naps, or you’re simply just stuck in a rut and can’t seem to find your way out, this bundle can give you everything you need and more! This limited-time bundle includes multiple masterclasses, a downloadable sleep resource library, a phone consult with our founder, and more!
You Are Never Alone On Your Journey To Sleep
Parenthood, and the sleep deprivation that inevitability comes with it, can be both debilitating and lonely. But we have news for you…you do not need to struggle with sleep, and you are never alone.
With this bundle, you will receive a number of resources that can help you through your current and future sleep struggles. Whether you have a newborn, infant, or toddler, this bundle is going to provide you with a plethora of tools and guidance to help you on your quest for rest.

Ultimate Sleep Product Bundle
Giving you everything you need no matter what your struggle.
Each product in this bundle provides value in helping you reach your ultimate sleep goals.
You will stat by filling out the sleep intake form, followed by a 60-min phone consultation with Founder Leanne Pelke where you will discuss your sleep struggles at length. After your call, you will receive both a detailed action plan to tackle your issue as well as a digital sleep tracker to help you on your journey to sleep. Your sleep resource downloadable library and masterclasses, will be additional tools for you to reach your ultimate sleep goals, as well as keep solid sleep habits within your home forever!
Now, let’s get you, and your family, back to sleep and back on track!
Sleep Intake Form
Before your private coaching call, you will answer a detailed questionnaire covering important topics about your child’s current sleep habits, your family’s daily schedule, and more in order for the time on your call is used efficiently.
45+15-Minute Private Coaching Call with Founder Leanne Pelke
During your initial 45-minute call, you and Leanne will discuss your sleep struggles at length, as well as touch on the important questions you answered in your sleep intake form. Following your call, you will receive an email with a detailed action plan to help tackle your issues in order to get back to sleep, and back on track. After 1 week of implementing your sleep action plan you and Leanne will have a follow-up call to disucss improvements and/or what additional support you might need.
Digital Sleep Tracker
Sleep Resource Downloadable Library
Naps Masterclass
In this masterclass, you will learn why short naps happen, how to avoid them/solve them, as well as understand how you can support and teach your child to be a strong independent napper! This class includes a 30-min training video and a 20-page eBook.
Early Morning Wakings Masterclass
In this Masterclass, you will learn why early morning wakings happen, how to stop them, and much more! This class also includes a 30-min training video and a 20-page eBook.

$400 Value for only $95!
This bundle includes a number of highly valuable products, that when purchased separately can rack up quite the bill.
Sleep intake form $25
45+15 min private coaching call with founder Leanne Pelke $125
Digital Sleep Tracker $50
Sleep Resource Downloadable Library $95
Early Morning Wakings Masterclass $55
Naps Masterclass $55

Let’s Get You Back to Sleep, and Back On Track!
I too had a baby that wouldn’t sleep through the night, woke early, and took chronic short naps. I was exhausted, overwhelmed, and lost. Determined to understand how to best support her, I began educating myself on her sleep needs. It was then I found my passion and became a certified sleep coach, so I could support tired parents, like you, and ensure that no parent would ever have to be alone on their journey to sleep. This bundle, as well as my Private Coaching Programs, will set you up for complete success and have you back to sleep, and back on track, in no time!
Leanne Pelke
Founder of Moonlit Dreams LLC